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In The Name Of The Rose by Wei Zhou

SaltSpace gallery

25/06/22 - 29/06/22

In The Name Of The Rose is a multi-media exhibition that aims to dissect combined sensory experiences and separate them into individual engagements. By examining them one at a time, our particular sensory experience is heightened, forcing us to focus on one sense at a time. Through the sense-making non-linear editing of our brain, all of these sensuous sensory experiences are sutured together again in a continuous timeline, and different narrations are created. This work attempts to further investigate the relations between the singular self and collective self in the orientalist gaze, with the shift between dominant and submissive positions. Through the narratives around my own given name 薇 ('rose' in Chinese), moving-image works with no sound, an audio piece, a long tactile letter, and a rotten rose scent, a multi-sensory experience is presented.

Saltspace locations

​Address:  Unit 16, 30 Dornoch Street, Glasgow G40 2QT   &. Axiom Building, Floor 2, 54 Washington Street, Glasgow G3 8AZ   ​​

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